The Argus Newspaper is a relatively small local Newspaper in Fremont California which has made a name for itself for being the newspaper with the most retractions in the Bay Area. So besides being incredibly biased, they print information that is just flat out wrong. The Argus can twist facts like a pretzel, giving the term "duplicitous journalistic integrity" a new name.

Saturday, December 31, 2005

The ARGUS DOES IT AGAIN: Bay Area Paper Prints Arab Conspiracy

The Argus is the local paper for Union City, Fremont, and Newark, all small cities between Oakland and San Jose in the inner Bay area with large Muslim populations. But today The Argus printed a despicable conspiracy rant that would not have been out of place in the Arab News, arguing that Muslims could not possibly have planned and carried out the September 11 attacks: Theory Cannot Be Believed. is the name of the article. So if it wasn’t Muslims, who could it possibly have been? Hmm?

"The Sept. 11 tragedy and the most meticulously planned incident in human history could not have been planned by uneducated and fanatic people from the backward Islamic countries, as most Americans seem to believe.

The well-planned and coordinated event points to an established intelligence service of a more advanced and capable foreign government that has free access to American intelligence."

I’m racking my brain, but I can’t seem to figure out what foreign government he’s talking about. It’s a mystery. (And the author, being too clever by half, never says outright.)

Oh, and about wack-job Zacarias Moussaoui?

"Zacarias Moussaoui was caught before Sept. 11 and is in jail. After a long time, and after deep thinking, this religious person decided to plead guilty to his involvement but with one condition: that he be allowed, in front of the judge, to address the American people.

It is believed that he intended to expose the true planners of the Sept. 11 bombings. Unfortunately, the authorities did not agree to his request. Why? (Subsequently he retracted his guilty plea.)"

What the hell were the editors at the Argus thinking?

Thank you Charles @ the LGF ..i'm glad there are so many people who notice the impropriety of the Argus - KEN


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so here's a question: Wasn't Atta an engineer? So where does the "uneducated and fanatic people" part come in?

1:59 PM, January 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sure the foreign government to which he is refers is France.

2:38 PM, January 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously, the Argus must know its readership and this was meant to appeal to them. It is seriously disturbing, though.

2:39 PM, January 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"What the hell were the editors at the Argus thinking?"

They are probably thinking that the wealthy poltroons in nearby Beserkely and Marin County will eat this shit up and buy lots of ads.

2:40 PM, January 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This op-ed piece sucks from a variety of angles. You guys are doing nicely critiquing from the Islamic extremist/terrorism perspective, so keep going.

But this unadulterated crap also that violates one of the basic tenets of the news business - not to print anything knowingly, provably factually incorrect. This is a prime example of the no-judgment relativism that has crept into journalism - instead of knocking yourself out to establish facts and perspective, if someone says it, it's got value.

This junk publication is under the ownership umbrella of William Dean Singleton, one of the biggest newspaper publishers in the country.
http://www.insidebay... This is also the page that gives you links to the top execs at the local chain/subsidiary level, including the pubisher and top editor.

If you'd like to complain to people who really don't like to be complained to, try this http://www.medianews...

That's who I'm complaining to.

2:43 PM, January 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The afternoon of Sept. 11 was the first time I ever heard of the Indian Point nuclear reactor, how close it is to NYC, and what the effects might have been had those cocksuckers crashed into it instead. That they didn't makes me wonder what Al Qaeda's real goal is. If it's to kill a lot of Americans, then they missed as golden an opportunity as they'll ever have. Ineptness indeed. But maybe that's not their real goal. Maybe the real goal (or the primary goal) is to carry out spectacular symbolic rebukes to the "Great Satan"(USA) for the mass murderers back home. (This would fall under the rubric of "fantasy ideology.") In that case, mission accomplished.

Those two goals aren't mutually exclusive, of course, but given the choice the bastards had, it's worth noting which one they chose.

2:45 PM, January 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

- I'd agree that on 9/11 they seemed more fixated on striking symbols than anything else. Not the first time that we've gotten lucky like that (relatively speaking). When Pearl Harbor was attacked, the main thrust was aimed at the capital ships in the harbor itself, with various side raids to hit other highly visible infrastructure. Almost completely unnoticed, and virtually untouched, the storage tanks holding the fuel oil reserves for the entire Western Pacific Fleet survived pretty much intact. If the Japanese had targetted those, it is speculated that it would have taken possibly a couple of years to re-coup from the blow, and the American Pacific fleet wouldn't have had the fuel to engage at Midway, or mount more than a token contribution to an attack on the American West Coast.

These guys may be fanatical, but, as is continually made very, very obvious, they aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the box.

2:47 PM, January 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Zacarias Moussaoui was caught before Sept. 11 and is in jail. After a long time, and after deep thinking, this religious person decided to plead guilty to his involvement but with one condition: that he be allowed, in front of the judge, to address the American people.

It is believed that he intended to expose the true planners of the Sept. 11 bombings. Unfortunately, the authorities did not agree to his request. Why? (Subsequently he retracted his guilty plea.)"

The asininity of these two paragraphs is absolutely breathtaking. Moussaoui mistakenly believed that pleading guilty would force a trial wherein he could take the stand and address away. Of course, a guilty plea obviates a trial and the process moves directly to sentencing. Only by non-guilty plea can he actually attain his stated goal, as eventually, some lawyer managed to pound into his thick frogo-Mohammedan head.

So, what's the excuse for Argus? They don't seem to have a basic grip of US judicial procedure, either. Has California already fallen off into the sea?

2:49 PM, January 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to clarify one little point. The editors didn't write this bs. It's their policy to publish opinion pieces from local residents in a 'My Word' section.

Having said that, I'm appalled that they allowed this moron to get his semi-literate ignorant views pulished.

2:50 PM, January 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Previous Blogger wrote:

I'd like to clarify one little point. The editors didn't write this bs.

True. But it doesn’t get onto the Opinion page if an editor hasn’t looked at it and approved it.

At least, in most papers it doesn’t.

2:51 PM, January 02, 2006

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Muslims could not possibly have done this.

"The most meticulously planned incident in human history."

How can you plan an incident meticuluosly?

So Islamic culture and science is not capable of competing in the present?

Just the title : "Theory can not be believed"

Don't you postulate the theory and then prove it with measurements, experiments... Real-world, observable, quantifiable data?

2:52 PM, January 02, 2006


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